Monday, March 6, 2017

Where’s your watering hole?

In this world there are inescapable laws. These laws are most evident in nature but are true in the spiritual. Some seem paradoxical.  A seed must first die if it is to live and unless a plant is growing it is, in fact, dying.

It’s the same in our relationship with Jesus. To have a relationship with God we must first be willing to die. John 12:24- “I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.” If we are to live in the kingdom of God, we must be willing to die; and we must be willing to produce.  We must be willing to die to the identity of what we think, what others think and learn what our Creator thinks.

Once a seed has died, it begins to establish roots.  Those roots are designed to draw in the nutrients that will confirm, establish and enable it to become what it is designed to do/become.  Once the identity is established it begins to produce fruit; to replicate its own identity.

This leads me to my second point. A plant is either growing or dying. If a plant doesn’t find water and is unable to draw in nutrients – it will become assimilated into the environment in which it has been placed.  A plant will not survive without water and nutrients – and since it is not growing to reproduce – it will eventually die.

It is the same for us. Many of us have felt the love of God and the prick of desire to be like Jesus.  But if we fail to stay watered and in touch with the source of life, the people, and the mentors He has placed in our lives – we often begin to question whether the experience was real – is the seed still there? 

Squash harvest from
seeds found in ancient
clay pot. 
Amazingly, even in nature, some seeds have laid dormant for years and with a little water have revived and started to produce.  You, my friend, can do the same, go back to the watering hole – let your heart be stirred again for the things of God. Purposely draw in the nutrients that will produce life for you AND those you love.

Jesus said it this way, “I am the way, the truth and the life and no man comes to the Father except through me”. He’s still there – standing at the door.