Speculate & Manipulate
A Dangerous Combination
by Deb Moken
A Dangerous Combination
by Deb Moken
Historically, we know that satan pays attention when God speaks
and he speculates how that prophet declaration might play out. Then, based on
that speculation, the enemy works to manipulate the outcome hoping to thwart
God’s plan.
For Example:
In Eden God declared, “Her seed will crush your head.”
His eschatological speculation: One of her kids is going to
destroy me.
His attempt at manipulating the future: Kill her offspring.
His tactic? Provoke jealousy in Cain (who, as the oldest,
quite possibly thought himself slated to be the
Eternally-Lauded-Enemy-Head-Crusher as well.
Satan succeeded in provoking Cain to murder his own brother, Abel,
but he missed the truth of God’s prophetic declaration by a mile.
Fast forward a couple of centuries and God finds a man, with whom
He could enter into a covenant,
Abram. From his family the world’s Redeemer would come.
Satan’s eschatological speculation led to the attempted manipulation the
bloodline hoping to derail the plan. His deceptive reasoning seemed to make
sense to the humans involved. A little extramarital sex, some more jealousy,
and things were looking mighty muddy. And to the enemy's ire, God
continued to execute His plan in spite of the mud.
Then there were Joseph’s brothers (Abraham's great
grandsons) who satan provoked to hatred. They originally thought it’d be
good to murder the kid, but decided to make some money in the process by
selling him into slavery.
And let's not forget the two rulers satan inspired to murder the
babies of Abraham's posterity: Pharaoh in Egypt and Herod in
4,000 years of recorded history of God interacting and making
covenants with His creation. We are shown how the enemy attempted to
thwart God’s plan, and how humans, both wittingly and unwittingly fell into
satan’s alternate/ulterior agenda. FOUR. THOUSAND. YEARS.
And then came The Cross!
God won. I like to remind myself that God, using only dirt
(humans having been formed from it), air (He breathed into us life), and a
promise (the woman’s seed is going to crush your head) crafted His magnificent
plan to redeem humanity from the prison-state referred to as the law of sin and
death. That plan was so beyond the enemy’s realm of comprehension. So certain,
he was, that every possible loop-hole had been closed, making his ransom
demands completely unattainable; the blood of a sinless man. God’s plan
It’s important to recognize that this was a legal issue, fought,
argued, and won in the universe’s highest court. The throne of God.
Jesus won. Not going to win. Not, "I’ve read the
end of the book and we win”. JESUS WON! Past tense. It may seem like simple
semantics, but it’s not. It’s one of the enemy’s tactical maneuvers to
deceive the Free into believing there’s another appeal in process. There
is not. That is what I believe the Book of Revelation is all about.
That is why the Cross didn't postpone everything. The Cross Changed
Again, I hope you’ll join me as I explore and expose some of the
tactics the enemy has used to keep the facts of his case hidden. It’s
some fascinating stuff. ‘Till next time, just remember, The Cross Changed