Monday, October 7, 2024

Psalm 100 Realized


Psalm 100 Realized

by Deb Moken

Had an interesting experience at church this morning during our time of praise and worship.  Gonna try to convey with words, what I believe was taking place in Heaven’s unseen realm.

Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands.

Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his presence with singing.

What began as a sacrifice of praise (more on the ‘why’ of that later), became something I’ve never experienced before.  The sacrifice, graciously received by The One Whose praises were being declared, granted entrance into a holy, sacred place. 

Enter into his gates with thanksgiving… 

Like the Tabernacle of Moses or Jerusalem’s Temple illustrates, there is a progression; first through the gate. There is only one. And Jesus, oddly enough,  referred to Himself as The Gate in John 10:9. This area contained the altar of sacrifice where sins and transgressions were dealt with, to which all had access.  

…and into his courts with praise:... 

As a person heads West, past the brazen altar, there is an enclosed place. The barrier between the outer court and this sacred inner court was a door.  There is only one. And Jesus, oddly enough, referred to Himself as The Door in John 10:7.  This Court of Treaty housed the seven branched candlestick (Menorah) on the left, the table of showbread on the right, and in the center was the altar of incense which represented the prayers of the people.  Only priests had access to this sacred place.


…be thankful unto him, and bless his name.

Oddly enough, because of His Sacrifice on that cross, Jesus authorized us to be priests unto God in Revelation 1:6.  

For the LORD is good; …

And that brings us, in this mini Tabernacle/Temple tour, to the Most Holy Place a.k.a. The Holy of Holies.  A massive barricade separated the Inner Court (of Treaty) from this Holiest of all Inner Chamber.  A veil*. There is only one.  And, oddly enough, Jesus is referred to as The Veil in Hebrews 10:20.  

This veil was torn from top to bottom at the time of Christ’s crucifixion, to show the world that humans could, once again, have an intimate relationship with God.

…his mercy is everlasting;...

This room contained The Ark of The Covenant, which held the stone tablets of the law, a container of the manna Heaven miraculously provided, while the Israelites waited four decades for permission to enter the land promised them, and a rod God caused to bud with new life overnight in an effort to squelch an uprising against His anointed High Priest.  The lid of this trove of Heaven’s treasures was a solid gold work of art; two winged angels facing one another arched over the center. God named this lid The Mercy Seat and promised it to be the place where He’d meet with His creation.  Exodus 25:22  

-Back to this morning’s experience -

Ten days ago, hurricane Helene made landfall and at this writing, this deadly storm has cut a 500 mile swath of unimaginable devastation.  Lives, too soon and numerous to count, have at best, been upended; at worst, completely annihilated.  After 10 days, hopeful life rescue efforts have devolved into heart wrenching identification endeavors. Mind-numbing, soul-crushing stuff. This is what my mind hauled into church this morning.  

As we sang, I was very aware that the words were a sacrifice of praise being lifted up to Heaven, but the sacrifice wasn’t mine. It wasn’t the congregation’s sacrifice either.  We were standing, singing, offering praise for those too weak, devastated, broken and crushed to do so on their own.  We weren’t only praying for our unknown siblings in Christ, we were standing in their stead, offering their sacrifices of praise. 

I have no idea what that means.  I just know that it is. 

…and his truth endureth to all generations.

*Early Jewish tradition described this veil as being as thick as a man’s hand.

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