*Insert cricket chirps here.*
I get it. It’s easy
to rail against what we find objectionable. After tying on a good old fashioned
gripe-fest, a person often feels a sense of resolve, as if something has been
accomplished. But has it really?
Don’t get me wrong, I’ve participated in my share of
gripe-fests, but all that’s needed to shut them down is to ask, “What am I going
to do about it?” I will either shut-up
or search for an answer.
We often feel powerless; like insignificant specks in a
great cosmic pinball game. It takes less effort to think that than to believe
otherwise. What if this thing we call
life isn’t something that just bangs us around while we cross our fingers and
hope for the best? What if your life is
so significant that it can - like the stars did the Magi 2000 years ago - lead
others to life and freedom?
The disciples asked Jesus for a sign to show them when His
inauguration would take place. They’d imagined Him becoming a King, like David,
to lead their nation in conquest over the stifling Roman government. His answer is recorded in Matthew 24. After describing the tribulation that would be
preceding the destruction of Jerusalem and their
Temple He said there would be a moment when they
would understand. Jesus said, “the light would arise out of the East and go to
the West (meaning a new level of understanding was on the horizon) and the sun will be darkened and the moon shall not
give her light, the stars shall fall from heaven and the power of the heavens
shall be shaken.” WHAT?!? The light will arise, but the lights are going to
become dark?
Translation: The
heavenly signs that had been used to point to The Savior’s coming would no
longer carry any weight. The Savior had already come. Stop looking for the stars
as the guide to His presence. Look, instead, for lives that shine with the
glory of God’s life, light and love reigning and changing the hearts of people.
That’s His Kingdom plan for righting the
world’s wrongs.
What can you do about it?
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