Saturday, September 22, 2018

It's a PR Issue

We feel alone and abandoned on this planet because it's hard to recognize God's presence. Remember the fellows who offered opinions and inaccurate conclusions based on false assumptions to Job in the time of his distress? They sincerely believed themselves qualified to represent and speak on God's behalf.  Those same opinions and inaccurate conclusions are as prevalent today as they were 5,000 years ago. How can that be?!

Me:   "You have the worst PR on the planet!"
God:  "I know. But, hey, there's always room in that department if you'd like to give it a shot."

Well, I thought, I can't do much worse.  But after accepting the challenge I discovered most efforts are stonewalled by my predecessors' widely accepted inaccuracies.  

A recent conversation is a case in point.

A beautiful, feisty, struggling, single mother was pouring out her heart's hurts and desires when she said, "I believe in something, but I'm not sure what.  If God is this all loving, powerful God, who is in control of everything, where was he when I was going through hell?  He didn't do anything!  I did it all by myself!"

I just listened.  It wasn't the time to preach truth, correct doctrine or dissect theology.  It was a time to listen to a broken-hearted warrior pour out her hurt.  Was that poor PR?  Time will tell.

Will this dearly loved daughter  ever encounter one who accurately represents Your adoration, acceptance, appreciation and unending love in a way that resonates Your truth in her wounded soul? 

When will she recognize that her tenacity, determination, desire, strength, and insight are the hallmarks of Your presence in her life?  Or that Your empowering grace proves she's not alone or abandoned?  When will she learn that You are secure enough to let her think she's accomplished such astounding feats with nothing but her own strength and wits?   Maybe today.  Maybe never.  Either way You remain the God Who goes before us, Who makes the way, Who is our strength, shield and defender, our source, wisdom and the One Who justifies.

Thank you Wonderful One for the life You have breathed into that beautiful, unaware one who represents You with such unconventional beauty.

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