Thursday, October 27, 2016

Tune In & Turn On by Deb Moken

The Bible tells us that the way we live our lives flows from what is in our hearts, and warns us to – above all else – guard our hearts.  (Proverbs 4:23) 

And because a broken heart destroys our ability to have a trust-filled relationship with God it's really important to have a heart that is whole and healed. Jesus came to heal broken hearts. (Luke 4:18)   

What is the heart?  Think about a radio.  Invisible radio waves are traveling through the air at the speed of light.  You're surrounded by them right now - just because they are non-visible doesn't mean they're nonexistent. A radio is designed to indiscriminately capture those invisible, imperceptible waves and retransmit the original sound at a frequency our human ears are capable of hearing. We all know what it's like when static, or two different sources fight for space in the same station.  To continue listening to the static-garbled station is frustrating and pointless so we switch to a clearer station or turn the radio off completely.

Like those radios, human hearts and brains are both designed to receive information as well. Brains receive information from the physical world through the five senses and hearts receive information from the non-visible world of spiritual beliefs. Both indiscriminately take in information, determine what is relevant and worthy to be sent on to our minds for processing.   Unfortunately the conclusions our minds reach with that information are often skewed.

Then, because an unguarded heart is so quickly overwhelmed by the enemy's lies, it often transmits conflicting messages which come through as nonsense or interfering static.  Our mind quits trying to sort it out and ignores the heart information, relying instead, on what comes in through the physical senses; effectively shutting out truth. 

Still we forge on, broken-hearted, wondering why God is silent and life isn’t working. The process of healing a broken heart, to make it possible to receive the Truth of God’s love is absolutely vital and the only way to live a life in harmony with your Creator.  

If you've already covered the basics: forgiveness, repentance, acceptance...  and if you are tired of the static-filled, conflicting messages and garbled nonsense that comes from a broken heart, maybe it's time to call on the One Who can heal your broken receiver. He's really good at it!  

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