The benefits of inspection are never disputed when it comes
to buildings, bridges, automobiles, media claims, baked goods or facebook
posts. Why then, do we hesitate when it comes to inspecting things in our pasts
that need attention? Do we see no value
in our lives going forward? Is there
nothing amiss in our thinking process?
Or maybe we believe nothing can be done to resolve those things that
haunt our past, hinder our present and threaten to hi-jack our future.
With my energy reserves dwindling by the decade I feel the
need to prove is lessened as well. Some might call it lowering the standard. I
call it picking battles wisely. This has
led me to take a page from Hebrew tradition, ‘one goes forward by looking
back’. Think rowing a boat. A person faces where they’ve been while
making every effort to get to where they want to go.
Everyone carries from their pasts things they don’t know
what to do with and the older they get, the more rancid those things become. It’s time to put those things wherever they
belong. Like a song that gets stuck in
your head, never finding the note that resolves the melody, there are thoughts,
regrets, ideas, disappointments, failures, expectations, injustices, lies and
hurts that need to find the note that will silence them in our minds as
well. It’s time for a resolve-olution.
Albert Einstein said, "We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we
used when we created them." How do
we expand our thinking? It requires help
from someone else; someone with whom you feel safe. This someone doesn’t need
to control you or your process. They need to be a friend who believes the best
in you while walking with you through times when you were/are at your
worst. That person is able to offer
truth packaged in love. It’s a tall
order. Jesus is that friend.