Adam means from the ground. Isaac means he laughs, Abram means exalted father, and Sarai means princess. This is why - when people entered into relationship with God - new names were often part of the deal.
When God stepped in the very essence of their
lives changed. ‘Exalted Father’ (Abram) becomes ‘Father of Multitudes’
(Abraham). ‘Princess’ (Sarai) becomes ‘Noblewoman’ (Sarah). ‘Heel Holder’
(Jacob) becomes ‘God Prevails’ (Israel ).
‘Heard’ (Simon) becomes ‘Rock’ (Peter). Names, in ancient Hebrew culture, mean
a lot. Which begs the question, what does Jesus’ name mean?
‘Jesus’ is the Greek translation of His Hebrew
name, ‘Yeshua’ meaning ‘Salvation’. That baby, who arrived on the scene
in a barn in Bethlehem is,
at His very essence, Salvation. Salvation, however, is not His full,
God-given name. We find that in Isaiah 9:6 where His complete essence is expressed: Wonderful
Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Let’s break it down in an effort to get a clear
picture of the essence of the Lord Who Is Salvation.
Wonderful: a miracle, a marvel,
extraordinary, astonishing and tremendously significant.
Counselor: counsel, advise, plan,
and execute.
This Wonderful Counselor is the astonishing
miraculous adviser Who will marvelously execute His plans, combining God’s
purposes with miraculous counsel. He will know God’s perfect will and
perfectly bring it to pass. This is the first part of His magnificent
Mighty God: Champion of the universe, Supreme warrior of
all creation, very mighty, very powerful, a hero.
This promised Child will be born to power. He will strike terror in, and conquer His
enemy. This is a reason to celebrate!
Everlasting: perpetual, continuing, eternal.
Father: source
This Child will be the namesake and carry the identity of
the Father forever. He comes with the mantle of the Father forever, making
His promises irrevocable!
Prince: official with the legal authority.
(of) Peace:
well-being in all aspects of life; physically, emotionally, mentally, and
His authority extends to all creation.
Everything came into being through Him. This is no subordinate
ruler, no lesser prince. This is the King of Glory!
And in Matthew 1:22-23 upon his arrival in the earth, we’re
his essence expanded to include:
Emmanuel: The God Who dwells with us!
His indwelling presence is come to change the essence of our being. What a magnificent Savior! What a
magnificent reason to celebrate!
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