Remember the show Clean House? Simple premise: a work crew
would help families - swallowed by stuff - regain their lives and
homes. Although I didn’t have stuff taking up every square inch of
my home, whenever I watched this show, something inside felt very
familiar. When the subconscious message finally broke through to the
conscious part of my mind, it was a classic “duh” moment.
Humans are extremely complex when taken as a whole. It’s helpful,
when working with people (yourself included), to separate that whole into more
manageable systems. I see five distinct – separate but united – areas:
bodies, souls, minds, hearts and spirits. Physicians, personal trainers,
chefs, and parents are some of the professions focusing on the physical
needs of the human body. Educators, philosophers, psychologists,
counselors, and parents are a few examples of those primarily concerned with
developing the mind. In the book of Hebrews we learn that issues of the
soul are what pastors (and parents) deal with, while God, Himself, works
on human spirits. But, the heart is an area that is the sole responsibility of
individuals themselves. In Proverbs 4:23 we are instructed to, “Keep your
heart with all diligence for out of it springs the issues of life.”
What is the heart? Referenced nearly 1,000 times in the
Bible, I’m lead to believe the heart is a big deal. Jesus tells us
exactly what the heart’s function is when explaining the sower parable in
Luke 8 "…The seed is the word of God… then
the devil comes and takes away the word out of their hearts…" The heart is where beliefs grow;
and it doesn’t take a PhD in psychology to know that not every belief
flourishing in the hearts of humanity is worthy of the real estate it holds.
like those television programs that featured families whose houses were overrun with clutter and stuff, our hearts become
overwhelmed with beliefs that no longer (if ever) serve our lives in positive,
constructive, beautiful ways. The inexplicable draw to those shows was my heart’s silent cry for me to attend to my responsibility for
its keeping. Like a homeowner deciding what goes and stays in their
effort to build a home of peace and beauty one item at a time; we must decide
what is permitted in our hearts - one belief at a time. The
heart-owner is the only one authorized to make those decisions.
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