Monday, January 16, 2017

The Healer Makes House Calls

Several years ago, a person I’ve known for decades told me his story…

In high school things got really tough; manifesting in: mountains of homework, frustration, anxiety, and exacerbating a painful stomach ulcer. The solution - psychologists? Counseling? Tutors? An internist? No. He went to an optometrist! While looking out a window during the eye exam, the Doctor asked him to describe the scene and to point out the building that had a different colored roof. He could have more realistically been asked to recite the Declaration of Independence. A few days later, while wearing his newly prescribed glasses, he was again asked to describe the scene outside the office window.

"Red" he shouted. "The roof is red. Not only that, I can make out the individual shingles." And after an awe-filled moment or two he turned from the window and said, "I didn't know that you could see each leaf hanging separately on a tree."

So, what's my point? Pay attention to symptoms. Including the painful ones. What my friend knew was that his dreams were going to not be realized because they required very high grades and a much higher education.

His dreams were clear but his perspective was foggy. He had no idea how much he was not seeing. From his vantage point things were normal. But the pain had a purpose. It brought to light things in need of attention.

When life is full of pain, pay attention! Painful things like frustration, anger, anxiety, depression, hate, disappointment, stress, despair, sorrow, rage, jealousy, impatience, and bitterness are on the short list.

Attempts to do away with pain might include busy-ness (work or play), diversion (becoming overly involved in someone else's life so you can ignore your own), religion (trying to get the at-a-boy punch card filled with rules and rituals), materialism (buying relief), mood altering consumption (drugs/alcohol/food) or pursuing forbidden pleasures. These are nothing more than an indication that there is a wound in the heart that has made it impossible for a person to clearly see reality. Great news though. The Healer makes house calls. He stands at your heart's door, cure in hand, but will only enter where and when invited.

Invite Him into the secret chambers of your wounded heart. You'll discover that wherever you permit His presence, the fog will lift because He will bring light, life, wholeness and a clear-kingdom-of-God-perspective.  

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