Revelation 1:3 & 19 Jesus told John to write what he had seen, what he was currently experiencing, and what was to come. It has been my experience that the most prolific expounders, currently in vogue, have allotted little to no space in their interpretations for what was (before Christ) and what is (at the time of the writing) and what was to soon take place.
This oversight has led to speculations beyond comprehension. It has also completely violated the warning that was issued at the end of Revelation. In chapter 22 verses 18 & 19 we are clearly warned to not add to or take parts away from what was written on that scroll. It was, like any legal document, to be unaltered. Can you think of a single book from the Bible that has been added to and speculated on more than this one? Weird huh?

History changing, life altering events took place in the courtroom of Heaven. They're described in Hebrews 9. Jesus offered his blood for our eternal redemption at the Throne of God. But the current myopic interpretations of John's Revelation of Jesus Christ has resulted in a fulfillment of its expressed warning: increased plagues and decreased life. So maybe, today's followers of Christ need to heed the warning. Stop adding speculation and current event interpretations to a prophecy that specifically warns against it - and stop taking away (or ignoring) all that was accomplished through the life, death, burial and resurrection of The Lord.
Ok, got that off my chest - let's explore a few more ways God implemented the enemy-head-crushing plan to redeem His kids.
How was God going to:
A) Measure and qualify those who were true patriots of God's Nation?
B) Accomplish this in a way that the enemy could not sabotage the outcome?
C) Flawlessly satisfy the demands spelled out in the law of sin and death within the confines of a human body?
Questions A&B
144,000 was the number needed; 12,000 from 12 separate tribes. But how had God determined these people were qualified to be counted among His Nation's patriots? A standard of measure had to be adopted. Hence, the law of Moses, which demanded participation in celebrations, feasts, and sacrifices as well as adherence to the 10 commandments. None of which could make people righteous, but the enemy and the people participating in them didn't realize that. They labored under the assumption that adherence to the laws would actually make them righteous.
Question C
The promises contained in every new covenant God made with His creation brought the enemy-head-crushing-savior-of-the-world closer to reality. But there were so many demands to be met that the experts of the Law were sure it was going to take more than one person to fulfill. A lion and a lamb? From the tribe of Judah but also a priest? From Bethlehem and Egypt? The experts were torn, some said that Messiah would be one man others said no, it would require two. That's why John the Baptizer sent his disciples to ask Jesus if he was the one (and only) or should they be keeping their eyes out for a second. Matthew 11:3
With so many variables it would seem impossible for one man to meet all the requirements. One that seemed particularly impossible was that Messiah would need to be a Priest, which, according to what God had said, needed to be a Levite and come from the line of Aaron (Moses' brother). How was Jesus going to pull this off?
No surprise to the Creator of the plan - a.k.a. The One Who Goes Before To Make Provision. And that provision was laid out nearly 1,500 years earlier, and recorded in Numbers 6. Anyone (male or female) who wanted to yield themselves completely for God's purposes (including Temple service) could do so, for a limited period of time. They had to enter into the arrangement voluntarily, abide by specific requirements and restrictions, and conclude their time of service with a sacrificial offering.
This little 'loop-hole' was how Jesus, from the tribe of Judah, was going to legally accomplish the duties of the High Priest from the tribe of Levi. Something that was genetically impossible. What were the requirements and restrictions the vow required? No haircuts or consumption of grapes in any form. No raisins, no juice, no wine. How do we know this was the route the Lord took? Matthew, Mark, and Luke all recorded it.
I am writing this on Maundy Thursday. 1,985 years ago today Jesus publicly announced at the last supper, before being arrested, his voluntary invoking of the Nazarite vow.
"But I say unto you, I will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine, until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father's kingdom." Jesus in Matthew 26:29
He voluntarily gave himself in service to God for a period of time and would commemorate the ending of that time with his earth-shaking sacrifice.
In Hebrews 2:14 we learn that through His death He destroyed Satan (the one who had power of death). By the way, there is no cosmic battle raging between God and Satan. Any battles are in the hearts and minds of humanity. And Hebrews 9:12 & 14 we learn that with His blood He redeemed us eternally ... and purged our consciences from the idea that dead works could be used in serving a Living God.
The Cross changed everything! It's high time we started believing it. He's Alive!
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