"We don't know who discovered water, but we know it wasn't a fish." Marshal McLuhan
Every year our state's elected legislators head to the capitol to write the laws that govern our lives, most of which the governed population are ignorant of, until we find ourselves in violation of or stonewalled by in some way. We then have several choices: conform our actions to fall within the stipulations of the law, abandon our plan, or ignore the law believing it either: a)doesn't apply to us or b) hope to not get caught violating it. None of which have any effect on the law itself. Laws effect me, I don't effect them. (I do appreciate living in a nation where I have the right to affect the law, but that's another blog.)
Going back to the garden we have the law (do not consume the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil) and the consequences of its violation (in the day that you consume of it, you will surely die). We all know the story. Or do we?
"In an obscure, unspectacular moment of time, humans chose to live a life governed by what appealed to their physical senses and reasoning abilities. By rejecting the truths of Life governed by Love and embracing the dichotomous concepts of an existence governed by good/evil, right/wrong, punish/pay the world quickly descended into fear and death—an existence ruled by the laws of sin and death.
After hi-jacking the authority that God had delegated to humanity, the evil, dictatorial ruler of that miserable, lifeless existence was certain he had all of humanity locked up tight in his ‘iron clad’ penal system.
Thank God (literally) for the ‘dust-clad’ design He had up His sleeve; those few ambiguous loopholes set the stage for the implementation of His magnificent plan." What If The Cross Changed Everything?
Make no mistake. The enemy never intended to lose his grip on the lives of God's image bearers. So when it came to negotiating the terms of redemption it's safe to assume pride convinced him that he'd crafted a scheme inaccessible even to the Creator of the universe.
What was God left with to design a plan for humanity's redemption? Dirt, air, promises, and faith.
I absolutely love it!
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PDF version of What If The Cross Changed Everything? My gift to you |
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