Every person must find the answer to 3 questions: Who am I? Do I matter? Why am I here?
Jesus got 2 of his answers at his baptism. Coming out of the water that day, he heard God say, “This is my beloved son (identity) in whom I am well pleased (value)".
Immediately after hearing this, we learn that Jesus spent the next 40 days examining his beliefs with every ‘if’ question the enemy proposed. Using different words, but essentially the questions all boiled down to; If you are who God says you are, prove it.
The temptation wasn’t to turn stones into bread, or to bow down to the enemy, or jump off a cliff. The temptation was to lift physical proof above God's declared word. Our Lord’s wilderness battle is ours as well.
Now, I’ve never been tempted to prove anything by jumping off a cliff, but I have found myself tangled in some enemy ‘if’ questions. If you are a child of God, why don’t you prove it by giving more? Praying more? Doing more? Being more?
Jesus didn’t cave to the temptation. Instead, he stood firm on the words he'd heard. Trusting that God's words are true without any human efforts propping them up. Just follow the Lord’s example. Settled in your heart that you are who God says you are apart from any attempt to prove it.
So what about purpose? Once the truth concerning identity and value were firmly established, Jesus' purpose emerged. 1 John 3:8 tells us Jesus' purpose was to destroy the works of the devil.
We read in Luke 4:14 that Jesus came out of that 40 day experience filled with power and he immediately stepped into his purpose. Purpose comes out of identity and value. Too often we try to get identity and value from other people, jobs, income brackets, and education levels instead of God. NO! The very first step is knowing who you are then get comfortable with the reality of just how much the Father loves and values you! When those two things are firmly established your authentic purpose grows out of His truth!
Jesus took 40 days. Most of us drag the process out over 40 years or more. But the great news is God's delighted and present whenever we get serious about establishing our hearts in His Truth and find ourselves fulfilling our purpose.
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