Monday, February 20, 2017

Don't let beliefs get in the way of your learning

Becoming a person of wisdom—one who understands God’s ways - is a goal that every member of the Body of Christ can attain.

The great news is that becoming a person of wisdom is exactly what God desires for us. It is His will! There are four steps involved in becoming a person of Godly wisdom.

Step one: embracing an attitude of reverential awe and respect concerning the word and wisdom of God. Proverbs 9:10 tells us that:
"The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding." (NKJ)

The definition for the word fear found in this verse actually means morally reverential.

This is a heart attitude that fully appreciates the magnificence of God from a place of revere and awe.

Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get  understanding.

It's from that attitude which recognizes that God is God and I am not and that maybe, just maybe I could learn a thing or two from creations Creator leads to step two: knowledge.

This type of knowledge is much more than an accumulation of information. This is a knowledge that I've trusted enough to apply my life to it. This kind of applied knowledge can and must force me to look at things differently than I have previously which causes me to gain a greater perspective. This greater - from God's perspective - perspective is what brings step three: understanding.

Understanding is a function of the heart that puts the pieces together and settles things that were previously unknown and confusing with God’s grace and peace.

And finally, this greater understanding—a willingness to see things from God's point of view— is what ultimately produces wisdom in my life. Wisdom it is the principle thing a prize worth going for.

When our lives graciously reflect God's ways and promote the attributes of His Kingdom we are truly wise indeed.

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