I’ve been pondering 2 Corinthians
5:11-21 concept of reconciliation in a whole new way.
Nineteen days ago our third
grandson arrived. He was six weeks early, and four ounces shy of four pounds. You could say he sinned – since the word sin
means to miss the mark. And miss the
mark he did! Does that mean he is a moral outcast? NO! It means he needs a lot
of help getting to where he needs to be.
Fight Little Fighter! Fight!
6,000 years ago (give or take a
century or two), something similar happened on a cosmic scale. Humanity’s spiritual umbilical chord was
severed. We missed the mark. We sinned;
causing us to struggle in an existence of separation from the Source of
Life. The isolation humanity experienced
wasn’t beneficial. Humans found themselves existing in an environment that was
physically adequate but spiritually dead.
And, like my little grandson, who needs help to do what he cannot do for
himself, humanity’s greatest efforts are powerless to change the circumstances
of our existence.
That NICU camera occasionally shows
skilled, able, compassionate hands doing what they know to do so he can do what
only he can and must.
Humanity needed a flesh and blood:
skilled, able, and compassionate Savior to do for us what we were powerless to
do for ourselves. Jesus reconnected mankind to the Source of Life: Our Father,
the God of Love. He ushered in an
atmosphere so foreign to what we were accustomed to that here we are 2,000
years later still trying to convince ourselves and others that love, joy,
peace, mercy, compassion, kindness, gentleness, patience and goodness is – in
fact – the stuff we are made of. The stuff we can thrive in. The stuff we can give away knowing we are
connected to The Unlimited Supplier. He’s
done what we could not so we can do what only we can and must.
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